

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

I don't know why I let myself fall into the same trap again and again for 3 consecutive years. Shouldn't I have learnt from my mistakes by then? The only difference is it hurts a whole lot more to move on and let go this time. Maybe cause I learnt a lot of things about him this time round. Maybe it's cause I became closer to him. God knows why. I hope the next time I read this post I'll realize how stupid I (was) to be falling into the exact same specific hole time and time again, and I hope I will learn to actually walk around it next time. So here's a note to my future self: DO NOT let yourself suffer through the same mistake. Pls. You've suffered enough. Trust me. Just remember the times you wasted your tears, time and effort for someone you're not even sure will be part of your future. I hope this incident will somehow be etched in my memory just so I'll remember to avoid it in the future. Sigh. And I'll end this post with this hadith:

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:
"A believer does not allow himself to be stung twice from one (and the same) hole."

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