

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Something about me is that I have a slight notebook fetish where I'll just buy any cheap, pretty-looking notebooks that I see, especially if they are on sale (yes Typo i'm looking at you).
Some of the notebooks that have yet to be lost or misplaced by me.

Since I rarely write school notes in notebooks ever since i entered poly (cos I feel that writing on the lecture notes itself is sufficient haha /don't ask how my grades are/ ) hence the problem arises when new notebooks keep coming in but the old ones are still empty.

Sooo one of the notebooks that was still wordless is thissss. Yesss pretty rightttt. It was DIY-ed by a friend's sister which they were making and selling for some event. Since it was one of the nicest notebook I had, I thought I might save it for something..... special. Special in what sense? i myself have no idea. BUUUUT today I just got an idea on what to fill it with! Oh joy! :D

Okay might as well promote this thing. So ive been reading this pdf called understand quran which was shared by my fellow sister and it's a simple beginner course on understanding basic quranic words and surahs while at the same time learning some arabic grammar. The topic i was going through is the ayat الَّذِيْ عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ in Surah Al-Alaq. Below are the points that the pdf had:

  • Pick up the pen immediately! You have written millions of words with your hand. Now use your hand for learning Qur’anic Arabic and make it a habit.
  • Where will you write? Maintain a notebook. Keep a record of what you are learning. Develop a small library of books and notebooks.
  • If you make writing a habit then you have to pay attention to listening and understanding.
  • Make a vow to yourself today that you will spare at least five to ten minutes for writing the meanings and the grammatical forms of new words. Do it not with laziness but with complete passion, devotion, and sincerity. 

Then it hit me! Last time (now i've stopped paused for a while sigh) i used to read the Quran translation in the train and i'd just underline some verses which i think i would want to take a look next time in the future. I thought of just going through my mushaf again if i were to feel like reading those verses but now i found an easier way! Hehe. So basically i just looked through my mushaf again and just copied the verses (and even supplications!) i underlined last time in that pretty notebook of mine. Now all my favorite translated verses is in one, pretty (sorry i just have to mention it again :B) notebook!

Still underway. Oh its in malay/indonesian cos the mushaf i use is translated in that language.

So if some of you guys out there (i'm still wondering if there are people reading my blog even) have not-yet-in-use notebooks and are cracking your heads on what to fill it with.. here's an idea! Heh.

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